Sunday, October 9, 2011

Number is power

 I am a beekeeper, and as a beekeeper, my primary goal is to have a strong bee colony. For the simple reason that a strong colony means more honey-bees, more bees means more honey, and more honey means more money. 

Three factors constitute a strong colony. First: a strong colony is a colony of exceedingly great number of worker bees; second, a strong colony is a healthy colony, one without disease; and third, a strong colony has a less amount of “broad bees” (broad bees are fat lazy male bees whose job is to eat, sleep, and have sex with the queen). 

Strange, but even insects knew the importance of production, consumption, and survival; because the queen instinctively would kill the broad bee after it served and performed its role. It seems that in animal kingdom there is no place for unproductive useless member. The question really is, is our country has an ample number of male who are like fat lazy broad bees; because if we do, our population problem, if there is, is more an issue of quality not quantity.

In order to have a huge number of worker bees, the beehive must have a queen that lays thousands if not million of eggs a day. A fertile queen is a vital element of a strong colony. (A “ligated queen” is definitely not in what comprise a strong colony.) Similarly, a ligated woman and a ligated queen are more or less the same, both are; as if, barren lands are infertile, as if trees are unfruitful, and as people unproductive. Sterility is a curse, yet the government and some sectors are promoting artificial sterility to the Filipinos. Humankind’s attractions for unnatural had already caused so much destruction and misery to the land and its dwellers, yet most of us never learn.

Fortunately for our country, by the grace of nature, we already obtained the first factor needed to have a strong colony; for the reason that our “queens” are fertile females that give us ample amount of eggs. Our problem really lies on how to attain the second component of a strong colony, which is to have a healthy populace, one with no disease.

Some of the ailments of a society are ignorance, greed, laziness, indifference, etc. Greed is the worst of all of these diseases; for greed begets corruption, hardheartedness, partisanship, crime, poverty, hunger, prostitution.  One way to minimize greed is to have an upright and efficient justice system and police force to hunt and punish the greedy elements of our people; unfortunately, at present, this ailment heavily inflicts these two pillars of our government. In my article, “Freedom of Choice a Deadly Freedom” I mentioned that “greed knows no love”. Indeed, “without love where would we be now?”

If greed is a disease, it is worst than incurable malignant cancer. In beekeeping, when a colony has an incurable contagious disease, beekeepers would usually burn the entire colony to avoid the spread of the infection. As what happened to two ancient human colonies called “Sodom and Gomorrah” where the “Supreme Beekeeper” decided to set it on fire.

Greed is ignorance; it is based on the wrong understanding of a person’s real identity, which is spirit soul. this wrong consciousness begets the wrong idea of finding happiness.  Ignorance is darkness; a society’s disease which is curable only by light. Some sectors, particularly the religious sectors, are claiming that they have the light; certainly, to some degree I believe them. The problem is, most of them are also ignorant of their real identity; they are not united; and some of them are practitioners of religious politics; some of them are partisan religious materialist whose concerns are self-preservation, more followers, and own salvation. 

Fanaticism and partisanship is an ailment that heavily inflicts the religious sector. If RH Bill is an issue of light and darkness, certainly some religious groups are workers of darkness while others are workers of light.

It is madness to hope for something relevantly good even in the present government. Our electoral process is a very corrupt process, as I had mentioned in one of my blogs, “Blood Money of My Motherland”.  It will take a Superman to accomplish a relevant change in the present set-up of the Philippine society and mind set of most of Filipino electorate. A vivid example is the Presidential election by which the Presidential aspirants need a huge amount of money to become the President and where mostly of the money is coming from businesspersons who invest for profit. A would be Chief Executive’s first job is to see to it that the investors will get their money back plus profit if they would win. Mostly of our officials are by products and complications of this disease called greed. And because of that, because of enormous corruption, even basic services of the Government are poorly implemented, if not totally denied to the poor populace. 

It is unimaginable that there is no greed and money involved in the passing into law of RH Bill, as what we read from the news, studies, and if we look into the politicians’ proponents of this Bill’s backgrounds. Never Trust a Politician or a woman. The minute they mention their famous line, “This is for the poor” is a signal that most probably, they are up into something big and disastrous to the people and economy. Poor the people, buy the people, off and fool the people; this is the real slogan of corrupt politics, this is what a bad democracy is all about. 

“Lobby Money” does exist. They want us to believe that the problem in the Philippines is in the poor sector; when the truth is, it is more on the selfish rich sector, the greedy businessmen, the corrupt politicians, law enforcers and government officials. Not only greed knows no love, it also knows no God. It is not possible for anyone to serve two masters at the same time, for ultimately a person had to choose between these two diametrically opposing forces. Pro RH are claiming that they are godly when actually they are ignorant people who think that they are wise; and their ways are ways of one who is in the dark.

Bees like humans rely on plant and trees to survive. The difference is, bees inherently knew how to help the trees and plants while they exploit their resources, while most humans’ only concern is to exploit. There is so many so-called solutions to our enormous problems, but to help our country and humankind survive, we should learn from the ways of the bees. PenSword25092011

NOTE: I am not against responsible parenting and every parent’s decision to control the number of their children; what I am against is the ungodly, corrupt, unhealthy, weird, and unnatural ways of artificial process.

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